RYSE: Activating the Youth-Led Climate Movement

"My name is Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and I am an indigenous eco hip hop activist and the Youth Director of Earth Guardians
 As a 14-year-old growing up in Colorado, I’ve seen the effects of climate change firsthand. Youth from around the world know that climate change is the defining issue of our time, and our generation will be the most affected. Many of us feel despair when it comes to dealing with climate change because we don't know where to start. We are ready to contribute to the solution, we just need the tools, confidence and momentum to get started.

 The Opportunity

Our schools are not offering us the kind of education we need to deal with the world we are going to be left with.RYSE (Rising Youth for a Sustainable Earth) a project of Earth Guardians will train young solutionaries to take a leadership role in the climate movement instead of waiting for others to lead. RYSE trainings will give youth the tools, skills and support to implement sustainable projects and transform their communities. This is an opportunity for youth to turn fear and despair about the kind of world they are inheriting into momentum and progress. Your contribution will help over 500 youth become active climate leaders.

The Vision

  • Empowered young leaders will lead projects, campaigns, and collective actions that disrupt the global leadership status quo. We will prove that our generation is not interested in waiting for others to take action. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
  • We will share our progress at the UN Climate Talks in Paris in December of 2015, demonstrating that we will protect our future no matter what. Our message to world leaders: JOIN US!

RYSE Councils

The RYSE Youth Council is made up of 13 exceptional youth leaders from diverse backgrounds We are still welcoming applications for the Youth Council.
The Youth Council will develop their skills as organizers, facilitators, and community leaders while working together as the principal decision makers for the RYSE movement.
The RYSE Wisdom Council is made up of 13 seasoned leaders and activists from diverse geographic, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. With experience in arts, sciences, social justice, movement-building, and climate solutions, this multifaceted council will support the youth-led shift toward a healthy, just and sustainable planet. 

Phase 1: Wildfire Training
In March of 2015, the impressive movement builders of the Wildfire Project will facilitate 4 days of workshops and trainings for the RYSE Youth Council. Wildfire is a democratic, front lines, action-oriented team of organizers and facilitators. They recognize times of crisis as vital opportunities for improving life on earth. They fuse political education, skills training, group development, and direct organizing. Their team leader is the global trainer for 350.org. They have supported a diverse range of social and ecological justice movements: from Tar Sands Action and PowerShift to Dream Defenders and the Divest Student Network. We’re working with some solid people.

Phase 2: RYSE and Shine

In April of 2015, Youth Council Leaders will unite to collectively carry out and lead an organized national action: RYSE and Shine. This powerful, unified action will mobilize and inspire participants in addition to jump-starting the momentum of the movement.

Phase 3: Community Solutions Activation Trainings

In Summer of 2015, RYSE Youth Council Leaders across the country will put their new skills to use and organize local trainings and events within their communities. Day 1 of their trainings will focus on analysis of key issues, organizing, and leadership strategy. Day 2 will be dedicated to collaboratively crafting a plan for climate solutions using innovative facilitation techniques to implement in their communities. 

Phase 4: Activation

Time to RYSE! Leaders and communities will put their climate solutions into action. Shovels will be in soil planting trees and gardens, solar panels will cover school rooftops, and new solar-powered lights will line park sidewalks. We anticipate ingenuity and never-before-seen solutions. Youth leaders will discover the creative, collaborative leaders within. With the tools and connections from RYSE, youth will recognize themselves as leaders, catalysts for change and a part of our greater global community.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't contribute financially here are some other ways you can help:
  • Tell your friends about this campaign-- click the share links to share on social media
  • Share the video and spread the word about #GenerationRYSE
  • Nominate a youth leader for our RYSE youth council

Love, Peace, Movement. 
Thank you for your support. 



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 Pledge To Be a Climate Leader!
"Meu nome é Itzcuauhtli e eu sou um indígena, ativista eco hip-hop, com o Earth Guardians (Guardiões da Terra). Durante o ano passado eu aprendi mais sobre a urgência da nossa crise climática e me preocupei com o tipo de mundo que a minha geração vai herdar se não limitarmos as emissões de carbono e mudarmos para energias limpas, seguras, renováveis.

Eu estava cansado de ser ignorado pelos nossos líderes mundiais, por isso, em 27 de outubro, iniciei um voto de silêncio,
por ação climática, que durou 45 dias. O que veio a seguir deu-me esperança! 
Eu vi pessoas em todo o mundo juntando-se e comprometendo-se a serem líderes climáticos. Nós estivemos esperando por nossos líderes para resolver este problema, mas agora vejo que somos os verdadeiros líderes.

Este é um momento crítico no movimento climático global que antecede a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Clima (
Paris, Dezembro de 2015). A verdadeira liderança deve vir de nós AGORA. 

Assine abaixo e junte-se ao movimento climático global, por um planeta saudável e sustentável para nós e para as gerações futuras.  

Você também pode usar uma pulseira verde em solidariedade com este compromisso e postar fotos usando as hashtags #SilenceIntoAction e #EarthGuardians.

Eu vou entregar pessoalmente este compromisso (esta petição), que tem uma meta de 1 milhão de assinaturas, com o seu nome a Ban Ki-moon e outros líderes mundiais na Confência sobre o Clima, da ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas), em Dezembro de 2015."

Você também pode assinar através deste links abaixo:

- Em Português:

- Em Inglês (English):

>> " - Comprometo-me a iniciar ou participar de ações que vão construir o impulso para um acordo vinculante na Conferência do Clima, em Paris, 2015.

- Comprometo-me a considerar as maneiras pelas quais minhas decisões pessoais (gastos pessoais e/ou investimentos) demonstram meu compromisso em combater a mudança climática.

- Se tiver idade suficiente para votar  - e quiser votar -, comprometo-me a votar em candidatos que mostrem, através da ação, um compromisso sério para parar a crise climática.

- Vou compartilhar este compromisso e minha história de como eu estou sendo um líder climático com os amigos e familiares através de mídias sociais (hashtag #silenceintoaction), e-mail e
pessoalmente." <<

Veja o Vídeo:
(em Inglês, sem legendas)

Pledge to Be a Climate Leader

(Eat-Squat-Lee), and I am an 11-year-old indigenous eco hip-hop activist with Earth Guardians. Over the past year I’ve learned more about the urgency of our climate crisis and I worry about what kind of world my generation will be left with if we don’t cap carbon emissions and switch to clean, safe, renewable energy.
I was tired of being ignored by our world leaders, so on Oct. 27, I went on a 45-day silence strike for climate action. What came next gave me hope! I saw people all over the world joining in and pledging to be climate leaders. We’ve been waiting for our leaders to solve this problem but now I see that we are the real leaders.
This is a critical time in the global climate movement leading up to the Paris 2015 United Nation Climate Talks. Real leadership must come from us right now. Pledge below and join the global movement for a healthy, sustainable planet for us and future generations. Wear a green wrist band in solidarity with this pledge and post photos using hashtags #SilenceIntoAction and #EarthGuardians.
I will personally deliver this pledge—with a goal of 1 million signatures—with your name on it to Ban Ki-moon and other world leaders at the Paris Climate Talks in December.

>>>> Sign this Petition


>> I pledge to join or lead actions that will build momentum for a binding agreement at the Paris 2015 Climate Conference.

>> I pledge to vote with my dollars and consider the ways my personal decisions and investments demonstrate a commitment to fight climate change.

>> If I am of voting age, I pledge to vote for candidates who show, through action, a serious commitment to stopping the climate crisis.

>> I will share this pledge and my story of how I’m being a climate leader with friends and family via social media (hashtag #silenceintoaction), e-mail and in person.