(by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, 21 jan, here.)

"A question that is asked so often, is "What can I do to make a difference?"
In order to make a difference, you don't have to what I have done like suing the federal government, or shutting down County Commisioner’s meetings, or giving up a lot of free time to educate your generation about our crisis, though, those are all great! To be an Earth Guardian, you don't have to go live in the woods, and hunt for animals and live without technology and electricity. I tell people all over the world, that in order to change the world, you have to start by changing yourself, and your daily habits. You have to change the way you are relating to and treating the Earth. Cut your own carbon footprint, change your own lifestyle. Make a difference in your own community.
It all starts with you, and you have to start small, then grow and grow and grow now more than ever, if our generation is going to have a chance of inheriting a healthy Earth! It starts with this:

Every Tuesday, I will be posting this list of "50 Simple Things you can do to Cut your Carbon Footprint" 

I want everyone who sees this to like it, share it, and choose something on this list that you are willing to do for this week, to make a difference and be an Earth Guardian. Whatever it is you choose on the list, post it in the comment box below. Start with one, then next week, pick something else, and the next week another thing off the list and before you know it, you will be healthier, happier, and have a MUCH smaller impact on the planet. If all 5,459 people that like this page were to commit to one thing every week, it would be making a BIG difference. What's your incentive? Your children, your nieces, nephews, cousins, and the generation that is to come. We have the power to change the fate of humanity and IT STARTS WITH YOU!

Here's the Link:

Remember to comment every week, and know, you are doing it for the generations to come... those unborn. Please Share widely! Can you imagine the impact we will have if we inspire everyone to live more lightly, we could cut our carbon output in half!

Do it for us!"

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